Samson Kebede 

was born in Addis Ababa in 1987. He graduated from Addis Ababa university school of fine arts and design in 2012.

He also attend his theology program in St George church for four years. During that time he was interested on Ethiopian traditional painting.

Concerning his works, it is about Ethiopian traditional painting specially, ‘’Telsem’’. Which is fascinating art form, because it has different dimensions including cosmic science (astronomy, astrology), linguistic and also the aspect of healing power, which makes it able to be considered as one of the mechanisms for art Therapy.  

From the Artist

When we came to my art work I have a great perception for Ethiopian traditional Art. Because it contain a lot of philosophical psychological, cultural, anthropological, spiritual aspect of(human life. Ethiopian traditional Art comprises different kinds of technique, style and representation. For my graduation project I prefer to study about “Telsem” which is a part of Ethiopian traditional Art.

Other than this it is a basic media also to express feelings, thought, philosophical ideas, it can also serve us abridge to comminute with other human beings & also the super natural dimension, especially as a code which facilitates contact with the spiritual world. 

In ancient times Telsem was used for healing purposes as a medicine and was believed to bring relief to body, soul & sprite.

Telsem can be applied in different approaches including the use of herbal preparation, in the form of Kitab (magic scroll) by making tattoo (Nksat) on the body, making design on the façade of the house or by the weeding or magical text to hill the person.

Telsem often manifests in a verity of natural forms, which have hidden mystical meanings like other forms of esoteric wisdom it is closely related to the transcendent aspects of ancient alphabets, and the numerical value of individual letters. It also contains the secret of cosmology and the supernatural dimension outside of this normal physical world. It is believed that when God Created the universe he also expressed this secret to human beings and angles on their level of spiritual gifts. Based on this our ancestors used these secretes and transferred the knowledge from generation to generation.

In general it is a source of ancient esoteric wisdom. It stimulates new discoveries, philosophies, and scientific inventions in visual or numerical forms.  Our country Ethiopia is one example which used for medical purpose we should have to preserve Telesem as a culture, belief and make it a subject of research for better life and for a good welfare of our society we must transfer this wisdom the coming generation in a positive way.